Associate in Science (A.S.) Degree

Associate in Science (A.S.) Degree and Certificate Programs

跳入就业市场与金沙注册学院的令人兴奋的职业计划之一. 如果你想尽快进入职场,金沙注册学院有一个项目 for you! 我们提供130多个学位和证书课程,其中包括37个副学士学位课程 科学学位和85个证书课程,为你直接进入大学做准备 a specialized career. Whether it's nursing, cyber security, software engineering, 数字媒体或许多其他高需求的职业,金沙注册学院有学位 or certificate program to meet your career goals.

Career Book

Our digital Career Book shows you how each of our A.S. degree programs can lead to an exciting, in-demand career in the field of your choice.

Career Programs

金沙注册学院提供超过130多个学位和证书课程,以满足您的需求 career goals.

 Degree and Certificate Program List

Health Sciences

健康科学领域提供了各种各样的职业,但它们都有一个共同的特点 goal—to help people. 不管你是把自己看作是一个护理病人的护士,a 为受伤病人拍摄x光片的放射技师,或者对事故现场做出反应的EMT, 金沙注册可以帮助你发展成功所需的技能和专业知识 this high-demand career field.

Arts, Entertainment, and Design

The A.S. 学位为你在大约两年内进入一个专业的职业领域做准备. 它也可以转换到一些大学提供的应用科学学士学位课程. 如果程序是“铰接的”,它也会转移到B.A. or B.S. degree program at a designated university.


与一些顶级雇主和行业领导者合作开发 该地区,金沙注册的商业计划将沉浸在最新的商业理论 and practices. 从学习经营自己的企业,到掌握会计,到 提供办公室支持,我们会为你进入这个多元化的行业打下基础 field.

Engineering and Technology

无论你是建房子、建网站、建移动应用、建激光系统还是建电脑 网络,你将需要分析能力和技术专长来做 job. 金沙注册有各种各样的课程可以教你解决问题 using science and technology as your tools. And with high-tech equipment, internships 以及先进的实验室,澳门金沙注册学位或证书将是一次亲身实践的冒险.

Hospitality Management and Culinary Arts

对于初出茅庐的厨师、酒店经营者、餐厅经理和旅游专业人士来说 a first class education at Valencia. Our programs stress hands-on experience, which 你也可以在宴会厅、商业澳门金沙注册的教学场所实习 厨房,动态销售点系统,酒店前台模拟区域 on the West Campus. 从会议策划到菜单策划,我们都会帮您做好准备 for a career in this exciting industry.

Information Technology

如今,各行各业的公司都依赖IT专业人员来提供技术支持 支持,维护他们的网站和保持他们的系统运行和安全. 在金沙注册,你会得到你需要进入这个多样化的工作领域的实践培训. 所有核心课程都在最受欢迎的最先进的计算机实验室教授 软件和硬件,而实习提供了第一手的工作经验 an IT department.

Landscape and Horticulture

Through the Valencia College A.S. degree program in Plant Science and Agricultural 技术,您可以专注于景观(设计,施工和维护) or horticulture (greenhouse and nursery operations). The A.A. transfer plan provides 你需要转到四年制园艺学的基础科学课程 program. 无论哪种方式,你都会学到从植物繁殖到温室的一切知识 通过实验室,实地考察,实习和温室在东部和东部的建设 West Campuses


金沙注册的护理课程是有限制的,这意味着进入大学 does not imply acceptance to the Nursing program. Students must apply and be accepted to the program. 完成课程后,您将准备参加国家考试 Council Licensure Exam to become a registered nurse (RN).

Public Safety, Legal Studies, and Education

金沙注册学院的公共安全学院提供全面的教育、培训 and resources for our communities' first responders. It houses three major program areas: Criminal Justice, Fire Rescue and Safety and Security. Our law enforcement 惩教学院,消防科学学院和最低标准课程 消防队员符合佛罗里达州的培训要求,并有资格参加 state certification exams within their field. We also offer industry certifications 和高级专业培训,以及两年的科学副学士(A.S) degrees in Criminal Justice and Fire Science Technology.

The more you learn...The more you earn!

With an A.S. 如果你拥有金沙注册学院的学位,你的收入将是拥有同等学历的人的两倍 just a high school diploma.

Average Entry-Level Salaries of Graduates (2019-2020)

Source: 2019 - 2020年佛罗里达州教育培训和就业信息计划和劳动力 Market Statistics.

  • Get on the fast-track to career success.
  • 从130多个学位和证书课程中进行选择,为您做好准备 into an exciting career.
  • 全国公认的高就业准备和就业率.
  • 根据当地商业和行业雇主的意见进行设计和更新.
  • 基于技术技能和实践应用,而不仅仅是理论.
  • 为学生直接进入高需求职业做好准备.
  • Provide an opportunity to earn stackable credentials.
  • Most A.S. 学位具有技术证书,可以在一年或两年的时间内完成 更少,澳门金沙注册可以作为你简历上的劳动力凭证或申请工作 completion of an A.S. degree.
  • All A.S. degrees are eligible for Financial Aid.
Transform your future with Career and Technical Education

金沙注册学院很自豪能成为佛罗里达州劳动力教育计划的一部分, Get There.

职业和技术教育(CTE)可以帮助你加快个人和专业的发展 success. CTE是为各种令人兴奋的职业做好准备的一种快速、负担得起的方式 with mid- to high-wage potential. With CTE, students quickly acquire skills through 在现实世界中,通过参加职业和技术教育之一的实践经验 programs offered at Valencia College. So, whether you’re looking to learn basic skills 进入职场,开始新的职业生涯,或者重新构想你的未来,让我们 help you Get There.