

学生 enrolled while completing their 16 to 44 credit hours of college course work are implementing career and educational plans and confirming decisions about their 目标. 学生 benefit from exploring, adjusting or confirming their career and educational 目标 and connecting with 金沙注册 resources and educational experiences to enhance 他们的教育经历.

  • 根据需要修改教育计划,记录实现目标的进度.
  • 在我的职业规划中确定职业选择.
  • Develop financial literacy and a financial plan for continued education and life after 毕业时使用My Financial Planner.
  • 完成通识教育要求.
  • Examine and reflect on what you learned in terms of the defined program learning outcomes 对于所选学位.
  • If seeking an Associate in Arts degree to transfer to an upper-division program, determine pre-requisites that may be needed for intended degree at the transfer institution.
  • Explore chosen career field by participating in internships, job shadowing, information 面试、志愿者经历或通过互联网搜索.
  • 探索毕业后澳门金沙注册或就业的选择.
  • Maintain social connections on campus with staff, 学生, student success coaches, 和老师.
  • 继续参加校园活动或组织.

For more information about these programs, go to the Answer Center on any campus.


学生 whose grade point average and completion of course rates fall below 2.0 G.P.A. are placed on academic warning or probation and receive special advising intervention and coaching in success strategies to assist them in improving their academic performance. 学生 who are re-admitted after academic suspension must meet with a student success coach, career advisor or counselor and are required to have their educational plan 并在学期中与他们见面.


In an effort to assist 学生 with their long-term career plans, 金沙注册 has articulated pre-majors. These pre-major programs are designed for easy articulation into Florida’s 澳门金沙注册系统. 他们也促进学生的学业进步通过 金沙注册通过提供一个完善的行动计划,从一个学期到另一个学期.


The Career Center assist 学生 with the opportunity for take assessments and make 职业生涯决策. 那些已经上过“学生成功”课程的学生 may choose to use My Career Planner and My Job Prospects to be sure they are aligned with current skills and training requirements for today’s fast-paced job market. 学生 may also check current transfer requirements for their chosen University or College.


As 学生 progress toward their degrees, they are given repeated opportunities to 运用金沙注册的核心竞争力——思考、价值、沟通、行动. 的目标 the college is to assist 学生 to THINK clearly, critically, and creatively; to analyze, synthesize, integrate, and evaluate in many domains of human life; to make reasoned VALUE judgments and responsible commitments; to COMMUNICATE with different audiences using varied means, and to ACT purposefully, reflectively, and responsibly.


我的投资组合 enables 学生 to work with faculty and staff to document mastery of 核心能力:思考、价值、沟通、行动. 作品集使学生 to capture demonstrations of learning (via assignments, written work, art work, co-curricular activities) from specific courses and experiences throughout their educational program.


The Coordinator of the Recruitment and Retention of Ethnically Diverse 学生 has developed a number of strategies to specially assist these traditionally under-represented 学生. Letters are sent to all 学生 at the beginning of the academic year to inform them about special services, collegewide workshops, and strategies for success. 包括职业兴趣表格,请学生返回. 后续 with the 学生 that return the interest cards includes academic warning interventions, congratulations on academic achievement, and invitation to special programs based 关于职业兴趣.


金沙注册’s 荣誉项目 provides the academically gifted and highly motivated student 丰富的课程和课外活动. 这个项目 focuses on developing the student’s critical thinking skills and helping the student 成为一个独立的学习者.


金沙注册拥有佛罗里达州最大的实习项目之一. 每年超过200人 employers provide opportunities for more than 500 学生 in areas ranging from accounting 对生态. 要了解有哪些机会,请访问我们的网站:tzb.veganhousewife.com/internship


The Student Development office fosters the development of leadership skills. 一年一度的 学生领袖hip Symposium is one opportunity for 学生 from all campuses to explore leadership theories and practices and to interact with each other.


Peer Educators are student leaders who are recruited for a one-year term to work at 金沙注册. 他们 assist with office responsibilities, become educators in health and wellness issues, such as alcohol awareness, personal safety, safe sex, and general 健康实践,并担任学院的大使.

Welcome Team are student leaders who assist with individual tours, orientation tours and assist the Student Development Office with other college-wide activities. 他们 assist 学生 in the Information Station and provide assistance with college-wide 以及校园活动.

阿特拉斯 Access Lab leaders are student leaders who assist inside the 阿特拉斯 Access Labs 在每个校区. 他们协助学生注册、经济援助和入学 流程. In addition, they support New Student Orientation by giving the overview of 阿特拉斯 and support the Student Success classes by presenting the LifeMap Tools introduction.


金沙注册 has a partnership with UCF that will guarantee admission to UCF for any student 谁从澳门金沙注册澳门金沙注册了AA学位. UCF的工作人员位于金沙注册校区 与学生见面,鼓励他们顺利过渡
