Frequently Asked Questions

How many fiction/nonfiction pieces am I allowed to submit?
这些分类是基于字数的——最多2000个——所以作者可以提交 一种或两种类别中的一种较长的片段,或最多三种较短的片段,长度相同 因为每个类别的总字数不超过2000字.

Phoenix editors choose all art / text pairings. Please submit original art and text separately.

一首诗可以用我选择的字体和/或设计吗? I have one about flying and the poem is written in the shape of a bird.
由于版式的限制,“形状”诗或花哨的字体通常不做,但 这取决于编辑和/或设计师的判断力.

What kind of art are you looking for?
The Phoenix is diverse; we publish photographs as art, plus photos of other artwork such as sculptures, 绘画,拼贴画,素描和图纸的各种主题和在不同的媒介. Please submit up to seven pieces, each separately. Please let us know which medium was used for each entry. (See the Frequently Asked Questions page for additional details.)


Send submissions questions to the advisor here

I have submitted my work. When will I hear if it is selected?
所有的选择将在提交期后的1月/ 2月进行 一组电子邮件被发送给所有学生谁的作品已被选中. Students are 负责监控他们的电子邮件账户,并对任何额外的邮件做出回应 requests, or their work may not be used.

I don't have email. Can I submit from the Valencia College library computer?
All Valencia College students have Atlas email; please use that as your default. Any email sent from a general location will 无法收到提交的“回执”.

My work was selected for publication. Am I automatically entered in contests?
所有作品都会自动进入“编辑选择”比赛,分为四个体裁, with annual prize money from Student Development funding. Additionally, the Phoenix 指导老师可以自行决定在其他比赛中使用任何已发表的作品, and/or materials to advertise the Phoenix.

Can I submit my poetry, prose and/or art if I am an editor?
编辑可以按照标准标准向杂志投稿,因为所有的文章都是 匿名选择,但编辑没有资格赢得现金奖励. (The Editor-in-Chief 由于职位的性质,是否可以不提交工作.)

How are editors and other staff selected?

Editors 他们都是志愿者吗?他们负责选择诗歌、小说和非小说 that will appear in the magazine. 

Volunteer spots may be limited; sign up here (link to form).

YES! The adviser will sign a volunteer’s hour sheet if asked.

Questions?  Contact Prof. Zuromski

总编辑由指导老师选出 Phoenix, usually from outstanding previous magazine editors.

文字编辑是那些自称热爱并擅长这份工作的人——这些学生可能会 volunteer in class.

Graphic Designers 谁负责杂志的版面和设计,是春季入学的学生吗 course, GRA 1956C — Phoenix Design Project.

凤凰设计项目只在春季学期提供,并且只在西校区提供 并成功完成GRA 1203C-Layout and Design和GRA 1206C-Typography are pre-requisites 
在某些情况下,高级图形学生将被授予称号和 项目和团队创意总监的职责,由指导老师指导. 

Questions? Contact Prof. Meg Curtiss

有关先决条件和其他要求的更多详细信息,或者如果您有 further questions, please visit the Phoenix Positions page.

我怎样才能知道谁在由West赞助的年度比赛中澳门金沙注册了现金奖励 Campus Student Development?
All cash winners will be posted under Awards each January. 所有获胜者必须检查网站,看看他们是否赢了(我们将 不再发送个人信件或电子邮件),然后每个获奖者必须联系学生 Development, West, 3-147 to arrange their payments. Any winner who neglects to contact 学生发展,并在春季学期结束前领取现金奖励 奖金和奖金将返还给学生发展基金.

Is the prize for each category always $100?
我们很幸运,学生发展继续赞助所有四种类型的 现金奖励,共计400美元(顺便说一下,这笔钱不保证可用 every year!). 这个金额意味着每个流派100美元,但我们有两个学生 have split the $100 and won $50 each.

Who chooses the winners for the cash prizes?
获奖者是由学生编辑选出的 Phoenix each fall.

如果我的作品赢得了现金奖,金沙注册会拿我的作品做什么——他们能用吗 for other things?
All winners will be published in the next Phoenix. 此外,所有获奖作品将在杂志的颁奖页面上发布 has been printed. 凤凰城的顾问们可以根据自己的判断,使用任何已出版的 在其他比赛中的作品,和/或材料宣传凤凰.

My work is copyrighted. Will you put the copyright symbol on my piece(s)?
金沙注册的政策是,所有的学生作家和艺术家保留他们的个人 版权,以及在出版的杂志上显示的声明. Therefore, no individual copyright symbols will be used.

Can I use a penname?
NO:所有的学生投稿人都是学院的代表,所以真名是 published for writers and artists. Students may choose to use any derivative of a first name with the official last name.

E.G. 克里斯·安德森、托弗·安德森或克里斯托弗·安德森都可以. C-Dog Anderson is not.

My work wasn't selected. What should I do now?
Plan on submitting again next year! Just because a piece may not work for a given issue does NOT mean it has no merit. Perhaps revise and try again, or submit new work. 偶尔,其他院系或校园刊物也会询问 Phoenix 对于有价值的未使用的作品,我们已经“共享”了贡献者的作品以供展示 and/or publication elsewhere on campus. If this happens, the contributor is contacted.

所有的文字和图片都将被反剽窃软件扫描,但学生必须扫描 负责了解规则,并要求所有学生同意 following statement before a submission:

“我保证我提交的作品是我自己的原创作品,并且在一定程度上 我使用了另一个来源的材料,该来源已得到适当的承认. 我理解并承认提交他人的作品可能构成侵权 违反学生行为准则,并可能导致学院的纪律处分."

How can I help work on the magazine?

Where can I find a current or back issue?
Contact Us